Invasive Cane Toad removal

Keep your yard and pets safe.

Call Redline for Humane Toad Removal and Preventative Services: 954-842-3051 

This is a large cane toad caught in Boca Raton, Fl. Notice the white milky substance on it’s back. This is a toxin that can be deadly to your pets!

This is a large cane toad caught in Boca Raton, Fl. Notice the white milky substance on it’s back. This is a toxin that can be deadly to your pets!

Cane Toads, aka Bufo Toads (Rhinella marina) are displacing native toads and pose serious health risks to pets. When feeling threatened, the toad will secrete a milky toxin from the glands on the back of its shoulders and head (see picture above). If your pet bites or licks a Cane Toad, it will become sick and could die. Symptoms of Cane Toad poisoning in pets include excessive drooling, red gums, head-shaking, crying, loss of coordination, and sometimes convulsions. 

Similar to other invasive species in South Florida, there has been a significant population explosion in recent years.

Above are Cane Toads (aka Bufo Toads) removed from West Palm Beach by our Boilogist.

Toad Barrier Fencing Installed by Redline